College Departure Prep (18+ years)

For many of you with new adult children a reminder that at 18 you will no longer automatically have access to their medical information during an unexpected emergency.

We recommend you, together with your children, fill out power of attorney health care, finance and HIPAA forms.  This does not allow you to make decisions nor access private records for a capable 18 year old, but if there is an emergency and your 18+year old is not capable/alert/conscious you will be able to do what you need to do on their behalf.

There are free sites online, we have personally used this site for a fee for ease and efficiency. Once completed they MUST be notarized.  Then scan and email to yourself so that you always have them on hand if needed. Use this link to receive a 20% discount. (We will receive $10 that we will put toward office supplies.)

Newly minted 18 year olds should also fill out the 18 & Older Notice of Privacy Practices and 18 & Older Consent to Release Information so that you can have some access to their medical chart/their physician as allowed/needed.

Please make sure that our office number is saved in their phones, along with their portal password.  We are excited for all of you and are here to support you as you need us.  For a complete list of suggested items see our College First Aid Kit suggestions