COVID19 and Masking

Also: Masks

Types of Masks

There are two common types of face masks, both of which are meant to be disposable. Surgical masks stop a person from spreading their own germs, and are typically used by surgeons to keep their germs off patients. They can also be used by sick patients to minimize the spread of disease from tiny particles that are coughed out.

N95 respirators, on the other hand, filter out 95% of the particles in the air in order to minimize the wearer’s exposure to infectious disease. These should be reserved for health care workers who are caring for the sick and don’t want to get infected.

Cloth masks are no longer indicated now that surgical masks are freely available and more consistently effective.

HERE is a great explanation with graphics on how N95, surgical and cloth masks work

How to use a Mask

HERE is an excellent short video on how to put on, take off, and safely store a surgical face mask. When in use it must stay over the nose and mouth at all times, do not pull it down to talk, or let it hang around your neck.It is vitally important to continue to wash hands well, and avoid touching your face and your facemask. Masks should be carefully removed without touching the outer surface of the mask.  When removing your mask, do so by only touching the ties or elastics (avoid touching the face mask itself).

Another great article on how to wear a mask, and why gloves aren’t always necessary read HERE

Asthma is NOT a contraindication to wearing a mask– from the American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (ACAAI)

What if my Child is Scared of Wearing a Mask?
It’s understandable that children may be afraid of face coverings at first. Here are a few ideas to help make them seem less scary:

  • Look in the mirror with the face coverings on and talk about it.
  • Put a mask on a favorite stuffed animal.
  • Decorate them so they’re more personalized and fun.
  • Show your child pictures of other children wearing them.
  • Draw one on their favorite book character.
  • Practice wearing the face covering at home to help your child get used to it.

Here are several good articles with tips on how to help your child get used to wearing a mask:
American Academy of Pediatrics
Connecticut Children’s Hospital
New York Times

More advice for how to get kids to properly handle and wear a facemask without fuss in “How Superheroes Wear Masks”