Vaccine Schedule

If any questions or concerns about vaccines, refer to the following websites:


  • DTap: Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
  • Hep B: Hepatitis B Vaccine
  • Hgb: Hemoglobin ( blood test for Anemia)
  • Hib: Haemophilus Influenzae, type b Vaccine
  • HPV: Gardasil Vaccine
  • Kinrix: combined DTaP and IPV
  • IPV: Inactivated Polio Vaccine
  • Menquadfi: Meningococcal Vaccine
  • MMR: Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine
  • Pentacel: combined DTap, IPV & Hib
  • Vaxneuvance: Pneumococcal Vaccine
  • Varivax: Chicken Pox Vaccine

Well Child Exam Schedule:

  • Newborn (3-5 days): Hep B #1 (if not given @birth)
  • 2 Weeks: weight check
  • 1 month: Hep B #2
  • 2 months: Pentacel (DTaP/IPV/HiB #1), Vaxneuvance #1, Rotateq #1
  • 4 months: Pentacel (DTaP/IPV/HiB #2), Vaxneuvance #2, Rotateq #2
  • 6 months: Pentacel (DTaP/IPV/HiB #3), Vaxneuvance #3, Rotateq #3
  • 9 months: Hemoglobin, lead, Hep B #3
  • 1 year: Varivax #1, MMR #1
  • 15 months: Vaxneuvance #4
  • 18 months: Hep A #1, Pentacel (DTaP/IPV/Hib #4)
  • 21 months: NOT REQUIRED as not covered by insurance, but if we have specific concerns that require a follow up at this age we can book as a consult visit.
  • 2 years:  Hep A #2, Hemoglobin, lead 
  • 2 ½ years:   no vaccines unless delayed in prior vaccins
  • 3 years: Hep A (catch up)
  • 4 years: Kinrix (combo DTaP and IPV #5), Hemoglobin
  • 5 years: MMR #2, Varivax #2
  • 6 – 10 years: Varivax #2/ Hep A (catch up)
  • 11 years: Hemoglobin, Meningococcal, Tdap, Varivax #2/ Hep A (catch up)
  • 12 – 14 years: Meningococcal/Varivax #2/Hep A- if not received at age 11, consider HPV (Gardasil) series
  • 15 years: (10th Grade) Hemoglobin, Meningococcal/Varivax #2/Hep A- if not received earlier, consider HPV (Gardasil) Series

*the 1 month, 1 year, 4 year and 11 year check-ups CANNOT be done prior to that birthday due to immunization requirements