Dyslipidemia Treatment

Dyslipidemia is the imbalance of lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides.

Dietary Therapy

  • Cholesterol intake < 200 mg/day
  • Saturated fat < 7% total calories (translates to about 15 g saturated fat daily for typical teen)

Soluble Fiber

  • Binds cholesterol in bile acids
  • Reduces LDL up to 7%
  • Dose: age + 5 g/day, max 20 g/d
  • Sources: Fiber One, Benefiber, Metamucil

Plant Sterols/Stanols

  • Naturally occurring products, lower cholesterol absorption
  • Benecol/Take-Control/Reducol/Cholest-Off
  • Benecol dose: 1-2 smart chews 10 min prior to meals


  • Decrease LDL 20-60%
  • Adverse effects: LFT/CPK elevation
  • Avoid with pregnancy
  • Pravastatin: FDA approved for 8 yrs and older, 10-40 mg qd

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

  • Lower triglyceride levels up to 45%
  • Dose 2-4 g daily